
The Kinder Cottage Preschool is devoted to the development of competency skills in the children it serves. Social competency goals are a part of our program for children 3-5 years of age. Social Competence can be described as an individual's everyday effectiveness in dealing with his or her environment. Music and Movement will be a part of our every day activities to help stimulate learning. Some of the areas of learning we will focus on are the following:

  1. Development of a realistic sense of self, positive self-esteem and feelings of self-worth.
  2. Development of habits of personal maintenance.
  3. Development of sensitivity and understanding in social situations.
  4. Development of positive and affectionate personal relationships.
  5. Development of curiosity and exploratory behavior.
  6. Development of control of attention.
  7. Development of fine motor dexterity.
  8. Development of gross motor skills.
  9. Development of language skills.
  10. Development of communication skills.
  11. Development of categorization skills.
  12. Development of memory skills.
  13. Development of critical thinking skills.
  14. Development of creative thinking skills.
  15. Development of aesthetic appreciation.
  16. Development of problem-solving skills.
  17. Development of quantitative and relational concepts.
  18. Development of general knowledge regarding self, family, and world.
  19. Development of motivation to improve skills and seek intrinsic satisfaction.
  20. Development of a positive attitude towards school and learning.
  21. Development of a sense of humor, and enjoyment of play and fantasy.

Using these social competency goals as a framework, curriculum in the Kinder Cottage Preschool is designed and implemented to focus on the following specific areas:

Motor (Fine and Gross) Development
Cognitive (Mental) Development
Social Development
Language Development
Emotional Development
Music Experience

Curriculum is designed with regard to what is known about how young children learn. They learn through play They learn by doing They learn by active exploration. They learn through process-oriented activities, not product-oriented activities. They are often most attentive to the activities they choose. They often remember best what they have discovered themselves.


The 4 year old morning class meets on Mon/Wed from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The 3 year old class meets on Tues/ Thurs from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.


All children attending preschool must be potty trained and able to use the bathroom independently. If you have any questions or concerns please call Melanie.


Your child will need to bring a normal size backpack to school each day. Each child will be asked to bring either a package of napkins, or a package of paper cups from home the first week of school.


Snacks are served each day mid-way through the class. Each child will be scheduled to bring approximately one snack per quarter. These snacks must be purchased from a store. The Kinder Cottage will provide all other snacks. This provides an excellent opportunity for your child to participate as the leader in a social/sharing experience, as (s)he plans the snack with you, helps buy it, and then takes charge of passing and sharing the snack with peers. You will receive a schedule of your assigned days.


Your child will engage in a wide spectrum of activities carefully designed to stimulate curiosity and intellect, promote a positive self image and social awareness, challenge and develop individual skills and interest, and delight the 3-4 year olds' creative minds. Expect your child to sing and dance, build, engage in dramatic play and art, go on field trips, study nature, social studies, science, read, write and tell stories, work and learn in our Skills Centers, stretch large and small muscle skills, experience our sensory table, and explore a great diversity of media and new skills. But most of all, we hope your child will delight in the wonder and magic of being a child.


Your child in the 4 year old class will be tested three times during the school year. his test provides valuable information for parents and teachers on how your child is progressing and how we can adapt our curriculum to fit the needs of your child.


Ongoing contact between you and I as a parent is the most effective way to conference in early childhood. Please feel free to call or email me anytime after school hours.